Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting the Pardoners Tale and the Wife of Bath Tale

I. Definitions A. Controls all products B. Is a part of the Economic System C. System of society of living things D. Political theories advocating collective or semipolitical ownership II. Pro and Cons A. Social programs 1. Food stamps 2. Public housing 3. Public health-care 4. Public education B. Allows for a stable economy C. All capitalistic placement is all about individual and singular life 1. people dont necessarily like to share 2. think their higher than one another D. Distributes the wealth of a nation III.Statistics And Facts A. Socialism is equality for all and a classless system B. Became along in the late 18th and early 19th century 1. reply to the economic and tender changes 2. industrial revolution C. had become the most important political force on the continent D. Democratic socialism took firm go down in European politics after World War 1 IV. Key Figures A. Utopian Socialist 1. Socialist writer 2. Followed Babeuf B. Louis Blanc 1. Followed the Utopians 2. Put forward a system of social workshops in 1840 C. Marxism . European socialism 2. Theoretical basis for most socialist thought D. Democratic socialism 1. Took firm root in European politics after World War I 2. participated in government in Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, and other nations E. Christian socialism V. Conclusion A. Has systems of social organization B. Socialist parties came to power in many nations throughout the world C. Believes in the removal of all borders between countries D. Includes a diverse array of political philosophies

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